Amla, Nellikai 1/2 kg

Product ID: PROD2595

83.00 75.00
Points: 6
Delivery Time: 2 Days

 Indian Gooseberry has been given a prominent place in Ayurveda. In ancient India it was believed that Ambrosia (heavenly nectar) contained all rasas thereby, it could impart immortality. In that sense Amlaki and Hareetaki stand next by exhibiting five rasas. Therefore, Gooseberry is considered a "Rasayana" bestowed with anti-aging effects. Enthusiastic investigations on Amla substantiate almost all of its acclaimed properties. It has been identified to be a potent antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antistress etc. Apart from its medicinal use. It also finds an important place in traditional hair and skin care formulations. Its cytoprotective role has been investigated in detail. For Ayurveda Amlaki is considered to be a nature"s boon.

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